1. Editorial staff of the herald in Ruthenian the Ruske Slovo (Ruthenian Word / Руске слово) prepares the newspaper once a week on 32 pages. Format A/4. Circulation 2 000 copies. Property: social Director: Martica Tamaš Editor in chief: Đura Vinaji Address: Bulevar oslobođenja 81/VII, 21000 Novi Sad Tel./Fax: +381 21 661 36 97 E-mail: ruske@eunet.rs Web site: www.ruskeslovo.com Number of employees in the Ruthenian editorial staff: 16 | |
| Other publications of the NPI Ruske slovo: a) Journal for Literature, Culture and Art the Švetlosc (Light / Шветлосц) Published 4 times a year, on 160 pages. Format B/5. Circulation 400 copies. Editor in chief: Nikola N. Cap b) Cultural-Political Journal For Youth the MAK (Youth, Activity, Creativity / МАК) Published once in two months, on 24 pages. Format A/4. Circulation 400 copies. Editor in chief: Maja Zazuljak Web site: www.makmagazine.rs c) Journal For Children the Zahradka (Garden / Заградка) Published 10 times a year, on 24 pages. Format A/4. Circulation 1 200 copies, all pages are in colour. Editor in chief: Melanija Rimar d) Ruski Hristijanski Kalendar (Ruthenian Christian Calendar / Руски християнски календар). Joint publication of the NPI Ruske slovo and the Editorial board of the Christian journal the Dzvoni (Bells / Дзвони) from Ruski Krstur. Published once a year, on 400 pages. Format B/5. Circulation 1 300 copies. Editor in chief: Nikola Šanta Total number of employees in the NPI Ruske slovo: 30 e) 14. Agency of Daily News the Ruthen Press broadcasts news every day except on Sunday. Property: project that started in 2006 Coordinator: Vladimir Palančanin Editor of publication: Jelena Perković Address: Bulevar oslobođenja 81/VII, 21000 Novi Sad Tel./Fax: +381 21 661 36 97 E-mail: ruthenpress@ruthenpress.info Web site: www.ruthenpress.info
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| 2. Programme in the Ruthenian language of the Radio Novi Sad, broadcasts programme every day. On the average there are six and a half hours of the programme in the Ruthenian language daily. Property: Public service Editor in chief of the programme: Zlatica Njaradi Address: Ignjata Pavlasa 3, 21000 Novi Sad Tel./Fax: +381 21 525 492 662 28 20 E-mail: rusinska.radio@rtv.rs Web site: www.rtv.rs Number of employees in the Ruthenian editorial staff: 17
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3. Informative programme in the Ruthenian language TVNS, broadcasts programme every day. The average of minutes of the programme in the Ruthenian language a week is around 262. Property: Public service Editor in chief of the programme: Mirko Kanjuh Address: Sutjeska 1, 21000 Novi Sad Tel./Fax: +381 21 662 32 45 E-mail: dnjovnjik@rtv.rs Web site: www.rtv.rs Number of employees in the Ruthenian editorial staff: 1
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4. Editorial staff of the Informative Advertising Centre in Kula broadcasts programme every day. On the average it broadcasts one and a half hours of the programme in the Ruthenian language daily. One page in the Ruthenian language is published within the Kulska Komuna (Commune of Kula / Кулска комуна) newspaper two times a month. Property: private, Informative-Advertising Centre DOO Director: Radovan Kovac Editor in chief of the programme in the Ruthenian language: Ljubomir Dudaš Address: Maksim Gorki 1, 25230 Kula Tel.: +381 25 722 948 Fax: +381 25 722 908 E-mail: kulskakomuna@neobee.net Web site: www.radiokula.co.rs Number of employees in the Ruthenian editorial staff: 1 |  |
| 5. Editorial staff of the Informative Centre in Vrbas broadcasts one-hour programme in the Ruthenian language every day. Property: Public Enterprise Radio Vrbas Director, editor in chief and responsible editor: Ljubinka Nedović Responsible editor of radio-programme and programme in the Ruthenian language: Eufemija Gšveng Address: M. Tita 105, 21460 Vrbas Tel./Fax: +381 21 706 360 E-mail: icvrbas@sbb.rs Web site: www.icvrbas.rs Number of employees in the Ruthenian editorial staff: 1+1 honorarium associate
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| 6. Editorial staff of the Radio Region broadcasts programme in the Ruthenian language 30 minutes a week. Property: social Director: Zoltan Hajvert Editor in chief of the programme in the Ruthenian language: Senka Benčik Address: Dunavska 8/III, 24300 Bačka Topola Tel./Fax: +381 24 719 510 E-mail: jasmina_novta@yahoo.com jip@stcable.net Web site: www.fm107-9.net Number of employees in the Ruthenian editorial staff: 1+1 technician
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7. Editorial staff of the Radio Šid broadcasts programme in the Ruthenian language 1 hour a week. Property: social Director: Stanislav Stupavski Editor of the programme in the Ruthenian language: Eugenija Dančo Address: Karađorđeva 9/IV, 22240 Šid Tel.: +381 22 712 939 Fax: +381 22 712 718 E-mail: sm.radiosid@neobee.net Web site: www.radiosid.net Number of employees in the Ruthenian editorial staff: 1 associate
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8. Herald of the Ruthenian Home the Rusnak (Ruthenian / Руснак) is published 3 to 4 times a year, on 16 pages. Format A/4. Circulation 500 copies. Property: social Editor: Đura Papuga Address: M. Tita 59, 25230 Ruski Krstur Tel./Fax: +381 25 702 000 703 357 E-mail: matka@eunet.rs matka@ruskamatka.org Web site: www.ruskamatka.org Number of employees in the Editorial staff of the newspaper: associates work
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9. Herald of the Union of the Ruthenians Ukrainians of Serbia the Holos Sojuzu / Hlas Sojuzu (Voice of Union / Гoлoс Союзу / Глaс Сoюзу) is published once a year, but when needed more frequently, on 60 pages. Format A/4. Circulation 350 copies. It is published in Ruthenian, Ukrainian and Serbian. Property: social President: Bogdan Vislavski Editor in chief: Bogdan Vislavski Address: Jovana Subotića 8, 21000 Novi Sad Tel./Fax: +381 21 631 39 09 E-mail: borisvislavski@gmail.com Web site: www.rusuk.org Number of employees in the editorial staff of the newspaper: associates when needed
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10. Editorial staff of the Christian journal the Dzvoni (Bells / Дзвони), published once a month, on 28 pages. Format A/4. Circulation 900 copies. This editorial staff has publishing activity as well. Property: Greek-Catholic parish of St. Fr. Nikolaj in Ruski Krstur Editor: Fr. M. A. Mihajlo Malacko Address: M. Tita 64, 25233 Ruski Krstur Tel./Fax: +381 25 705 020 E-mail: dzvoni@eunet.rs Number of employees in the editorial staff: three, on honorarium basis
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11. Cultural journal the Erato Nad Kucurom / Kocurom (Erato Above Kucura / Ерато над Куцуром / Коцуром) is published yearly, on 40 pages. Format B/5. Circulation 300 copies. Property: social Editor: Ph.D. Mihajlo Fejsa Address: Oslobođenja 9, 21466 Kucura Tel.: +381 21 727 590 E-mail: fejsam@eunet.rs Number of employees in the editorial staff of the journal: associates work
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12. Collection of works Studia Ruthenica is published once a year, on 200 pages. Format B/5. Circulation 400 copies. Property: social Editor: Irina Papuga and Ph. D. Julijan Ramač Address: Vojvode Putnika 2, 21000 Novi Sad Mob.: +381 64 197 52 81 E-mail: papugai@nadlanu.com Number of employees in the editorial staff of the collection: associates work
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13. Web site: Rusnak.info created in 2001 Property: private Owner: Miroslav Silađi Editor: Miroslav Silađi Address: S. Markovića 42/a, 21460 Vrbas Tel./Fax: +381 21 794 325 E-mail: svmiros@eunet.rs Web site: www.rusnak.info Number of employees in the editorial board: 1 associate |