Cultural institutionS

1. Institute For Culture of the Vojvodinian Ruthenians
/ Завод за културу войводянских Руснацох

Stražilovska 9, 21000 Novi Sad

Tel.: 381 21 522 908

Mob.: 381 64 241 12 45

Fax: 381 21 661 78 93



Web site:

Director: Anamarija Rankovic

Founder: Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Assembly and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Legal status: The Instite was founded as a public institution on the basis of mutual Decision of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Assembly and the National Council of the Rusyn National Minority.

Financing: Necessary financial resources of the Institute are supplied from the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina budget, the National Council of the Rusyn National Minority, the income made by own regular activity, as well as from the means of donors from by domestic and foreign funds.

Regular activity: The Institute For Culture of Vojvodinian Ruthenians is a professional non-profit institution whose main goal is affirmation of exceptional quality of culture of Vojvodinian Ruthenians in the widest scope.

Staff structure: Functioning of the Institute is enabled by the general service and by the financial service, and the programme is realized through the documentation-informative programme, development-research programme and programme for international cooperation and cooperation with citizens, nongovernment organizations, local self-managements and other institutions.

Activity: The goals of the Institute are research and consulting, mediation between authors and audience, strengthening and improving authors and creators.

It is inteded to raise cultural level of authors and audience with educational activities and to connect Ruthenian cultural system with local, regional, provincial and European systems.

The Instutute will publish books, brochures, music books and publications, journals, catalogues, periodicals and sound carriers.

Organizing, systematizing and archiving the cultural heritage of the Ruthenians will enable the creation of a basis for Ruthenian culture presentation both in Ruthenian centres and abroad.



2. Ruthenian National Theatre ,,Petro Riznič Đađa”
/ Руски народни театер ,,Пeтрo Ризнич Дядя”

Rusinska 75, 25233 Ruski Krstur

Tel./Fax: +381 25 704 605


Director: Slavko Oros

Founder: National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Legal status: institution of culture


regular activity: Provincial Secretariat of Culture

projects: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, provincial secretariats and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Staff structure: one person employed – director

Activity: theatrical activity and music-scenic activity


3. Home of Culture Ruski Krstur
/ Дом култури Руски Керестур

Rusinska 75, 25233 Ruski Krstur

Tel.: +381 25 703 357

Fax: +381 25 703 032


Director: Joakim Rac

Founder: Assembly of the Municipality of Kula

Legal status: institution of culture


regular activity: AM Kula budget fully

projects: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, provincial

secretariats, local self-management and National Council of the Rusyn

National Minority

Staff structure: six employees: director, adm. worker, skilled head-organizer, skilled head of orchestra and music sections, skilled head-choreographer and janitor

Activity: music-folklore activity (folklore sections, mixed choir, groups of singers, orchestras, soloists), the Drama Studio ART, recitation section, publishing activity and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Festival of Ruthenian Culture ,,Red Rose”, Drama Memorial Petro Riznič Đađa and Cultural Manifestation ,,Kosteljnik`s Autumn”




1. Society for the Ruthenian Language, Literature and Culture / Дружтво за руски язик, литературу и културу

Vojvode Putnika 2, 21000 Novi Sad

Mob.: +381 64 197 52 81


President of the Presidency of the Society:
Janko Barna

President of the Assembly of the Society: Irina Papuga

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: institutions of national minorities

projects: provincial secretariats and city, respectively municipal departments for social activities and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: fostering and teaching the Ruthenian language, language culture, enriching literary activity and preserving cultural and spiritual heritage

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Fine Arts Colony ,,Meeting at Bodnarov`s”, Professor Havrijil H. Nađ Memorial, Literary Sompetitions: ,,Spring of Dr. Maftej Vinaj”, ,,Anniversary of Birth of Fable Author Štefan Čakan”, Poetic Threads of Melanija Pavlović, Professional Meetings: ,,Days of Nikola M. Kočiš”, Meeting of the Ruthenian Schools and Ruthenian Language and Linguistic Culture Republic Competition


2. Society of the Ruthenians in Sremska Mitrovica
/ Дружтво Руснацох у Сримскей Митровици

Parobrodska 15, 22000 Sremska Mitrovica

Tel./Fax: +381 22 622 333


President: Vladimir Balaščak

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: not financed

projects: AM Sremska Mitrovica budget and Provincial secretariats

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: preservation of national identity, customs, tradition and the Ruthenian language


3. Society of the Ruthenians in Subotica
/ Дружтво Руснацох у Суботици

Štrosmajerova 8, 24000 Subotica

Tel./Fax: +381 24 553 164


President: Ksenija Palatinus

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

projects: ministries of the Republic of Serbia, provincial secretariats, City of Subotica budget and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: music-folklore activity (folklore section, groups of singers of authentic folk songs, orchestra, soloists), drama section, puppet theatre section, recitation section and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Literary Meeting and Seminar for Teachers in the Field of Reciting ,,Spring of Dr. Maftej Vinaj”, Concert of Serious Music within the Cultural Manifestation ,,Kosteljnik`s Autumn” and participating in cultural life of Subotica



4. Ethno Club ,,Brought Out of Oblivion”
/ Етно клуб ,,Oдняте oд зaбуцa”

M. Tita 72, 21466 Kucura

Tel.: +381 21 728 309

Fax: +381 21 727 068


President: Đura Makaji

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: local self-management budget and Local Community of Kucura

projects: ministries of the Republic of Serbia, provincial secretariats and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: music-folklore activity, ethnology section, drama section, literary section, recitation section, fine arts section, work with persons in special needs and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Fine Arts Colony ,,From Our Past To Our Future”



5. CES ,,DOC” – Кucurа / КПД ,,ДОK” – Коцур

Oslobođenja 9, 21466 Kucura

Tel.: +381 21 727 590


President: Ph.D. Mihajlo Fejsa

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: Municipality of Vrbas, Local Community of Kucura and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

projects: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, provincial secretariats, Municipality of Vrbas, Local Community of Kucura and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: literary and fine arts activity, organizing different cultural contents, organizing tribunes and round tables, journalism, music, ecological and sport-recreative activity

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: International Festival of Humour and Satire Kucurski klip / Kocurska čutka / Kuczorai Csutka / Kucura Corncob, Fine Arts and Literary Colony Erato Above Kucura, International cooperation with the Ruthenians of the Carpathian area, preservation of Ruthenian national identity and informing



6. CES ,,Đura Kiš” / KПД ,,Дюрa Kиш”

Cara Lazara 105, 22240 Šid

Tel./Fax: +381 22 715 963



President: Miroslav Cirba

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: AM Šid budget and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

projects: provincial secretariats

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: music-folklore activity (folklore section, groups of singers of authentic folk songs, orchestra, soloists), drama section, recitation section and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Festival of Folk Orchestras ,,Melodies of the Ruthenian Court”



7. CES ,,The Carpathians” / KПД ,,Kaрпати”

Njegoševa 21, 21460 Vrbas

Tel./Fax:: +381 21 706 257


President: Slavko Mikitishin

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

projects: provincial secretariats and AM Vrbas budget

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: music-folklore activity (folklore section, groups of singers of authentic folk songs, orchestra, soloists), sport activity, fine arts activity, drama section, recitation section and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: organizing meetings of choirs within Cultural Manifestation ,,Kosteljnik`s Autumn”



8. CAS ,,Harvest” / KУД ,,Жатвa”

Oslobođenja 9, 21466 Kucura

Tel./Fax: +381 21 728 374

Mob.: +381 69 67 33 13


President: Mikola Gubash

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: Local Community of Kucura and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

projects: provincial secretariats and AM Vrbas budget

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: music-folklore activity (folklore section, groups of singers of authentic folk songs, orchestra, soloists), drama section, recitation section and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture:

Festival of Authentic Creativity ,,Kucura Harvest”, Struggle Against Primitivism in Music ,,Karaoki Stop, Beautiful Singing Forward” and Christmas Concert



9. CAS ,,Petro Kuzmjak” / KУД ,,Петро Кузмяк”

Košuta Lajoša 2, 24351 Novo Orahovo

Tel./Fax: +381 24 723 410


President: Mihajlo Edelinski

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: AM Bačka Topola budget and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

projects: Provincial secretariats

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: music-folklore activity (folklore section, groups of singers of authentic folk songs, orchestra, soloists), drama section, recitation section and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Literary-Theatrical Encounter ,,Anniversary of Birth of Fable Author Štefan Čakan” and Manifestation ,,13th of May” − celebrating settlement of the Ruthenians in Novo Orahovo



10. CAS ,,Taras Ševčenko” / KУД ,,Taрас Шевченкo”

Kralja Petra I 64, 21239 Đurđevo

Tel./Fax: +381 21 838 400


President: Mikola Kuhar

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: AM Žabalj budget and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

projects: provincial secretariats

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: music-folklore activity (folklore section, groups of singers of authentic folk songs, orchestra, soloists), drama section, recitation section and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Festival of Authentic Singing ,,Not to Forget”



11. Home – Society of the Ruthenians of Novi Sad – Vojvodina
/ Матка – Дружтво Руснацох Нового Саду – Войводини

Jovana Subotića 8, 21000 Novi Sad

Mob.: +381 63 713 67 65


President: Milomir Šajtoš

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: not financed

projects: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, provincial secretariats, City of Novi Sad and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: theatrical activity, preservation of national identity, culture, the Ruthenian language and customs

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Festival of Folk Orchestras ,,Melodies of the Ruthenian Court” and Festival of Monodrama and Duodrama


12. Nongovernment Оrganization of Young Ruthenians
/ Нєвладова орґанизация младих Руснацох ,,Pact Ruthenorum”

M. Tita 58, 25233 Ruski Krstur

Tel./Fax: +381 25 704 605


President: Jakim Vinaji

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


projects: provincial secretariats, Municipality of Kula, National Council of the Rusyn National Minority, sponsors and self-financing

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: organizing alternative forms, cultural, educational, informative and other contents in order to preserve national identity, i.e. to develop consciousness of young Ruthenians of belonging to the Ruthenian national community

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: International Voluntary Work Camp, Festival ,,Vodova Fest”, Multimedial Manifestation ,,Dnjovka” and launches of books for young people and sound carriers

13. Ruthenian Home / Руска матка

M. Tita 59, 25233 Ruski Krstur

Tel./Fax: +381 25 702 000
                                 703 357

Web site:

President: Đura Papuga

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: not financed

projects: ministries of the Republic of Serbia, provincial secretariats and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Staff structure: no employees

Local boards: in Vrbas, Kucura, Kula and City board in Novi Sad

Activity: developing contacts and exchange of cultural, educational and informative programmes with related Ruthenian organizations in the world; organizing round tables, tribunes and seminars; stimulating research and publishing works in connection with Ruthenian identity and organizational participation in many actions connected with preservation of national identity of the Ruthenians in the Republic of Serbia. Publishing the herald of the Ruthenian Home the Rusnak and poetry books of young authors in the Julijan Nađ Edition and competition for new Ruthenian fairy tale ,,Ruthenian Knight”.

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Fine arts colony in Kucura and photography exhibition ,,Ruthenian Knight” in Vrbas


14. RCES (Ruthenian Cultural-Educational Society)
/ РКПД (Руске културно-просвитне дружтво)

Jovana Subotića 8-10, 21000 Novi Sad

Tel./Fax: +381 21 529 626


Director: Natasa Makaji-Mudroh

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

projects: provincial secretariats and City of Novi Sad budget

Staff structure: three employees

Activity: music-folklore activity (folklore section, groups of singers of authentic folk songs, orchestra), drama section, recitation section, choir and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Festival of Children`s Creativity ,,Veselinka”



15. RCAS “Dr. Havrijil Kosteljnik”
/ РKУД “Др Гавриїл Костельник”

M. Tita 248, 25230 Kula

Tel./Fax: +381 25 722 564


President: Janko Takach

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: AM Kula budget and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

projects: provincial secretariats

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: music activity (groups of singers of authentic folk songs and soloists), recitation section and organizing different cultural contents

Organization of manifestations of Ruthenian culture: Meeting of Elocutionists within Cultural Manifestation ,,Kosteljnik`s Autumn”



16. Union of the Ruthenians Ukrainians
/ Союз Руснацох Українцох

Jovana Subotića 8, 21000 Novi Sad

Tel./Fax: +381 21 631 39 09


President: Bogdan Vislavski

Founder: group of citizens

Legal status: association of citizens


regular activity: not financed

projects: ministries of the Republic of Serbia, provincial secretariats and National Council of the Rusyn National Minority

Staff structure: no employees

Activity: developing and intensifying contacts and exchange of cultural, educational and informative programmes with related organizations of the Ukrainians Ruthenians in the world; cadre schooling in Ukraine; organizing round tables, tribunes, seminars and summer schools of the Ruthenians Ukrainians; stimulating research and publishing works in connection with Ukrainian identity and occasional participation in most of actions connected with preservation of national identity of the Ruthenians Ukrainians in the Republic of Serbia